… and it’s amazing! You have great things ahead! But sometimes you get so busy putting out fires and keeping up with the “have to’s” that you don’t have a chance to look up to see the great things on the horizon. And besides, the horizon seems so far away. You need a community of like-minded men who are looking to the future and making it happen. One step at a time. Consistently. Join us!


I am a mid-career leadership development professional. I’ve had some amazing career opportunities. I’ve had jobs that sucked. And I’ve been laid off a couple of times.

I’m a husband, and a father of three boys: college, high school, and middle school. Life is busy. Crazy. Frustrating. Full of wonder and joy. Struggles and triumphs. Laughter. Tears. Lots of learning.

I’m trying to live up to the expectations of my family and my community. And I have my own dreams, too. I have goals. I’m not done living. There are things I still want to do.

I help men like me achieve more and live life on their own terms. Without sacrificing everything they have already built.


We men can’t tackle everything the world throws at us like Lone Rangers. American culture tells us we have to be independent. Self-starters. But we’re surrounded by men who are living by default. Only doing what’s required. They aren’t doing the hard work to go after their dreams. And they are miserable.

You need new role models. I want you to join a community of men where going after your dreams is the norm. We’re not the 1% who want to own a yacht and jet off to Italy for the weekend. We’re the 10% who want to support our families, rekindle the love with our wives, and still have the energy to build something we’re excited about.

Journey Men

This is the community of like-minded men who spur each other on toward greatness! It is a networking group where we tackle the hard work of developing our self-leadership capabilities, finding our purposes, and improving our relationships.

$27/mo. was never better spent!

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Self-Leadership Newsletter

Click below to sign up for my FREE Self-Leadership email newsletter. Every week, I’ll share insights and challenges. I’ll give you stuff to think about, and one step to take to move forward. You can’t do it all at once, but don’t give up. I’ll make it easy for you.

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Leadership Videos

I regularly post new videos to Instagram and YouTube. These engaging videos complement the lessons you’ll hear in Journey Men and the topics in my newsletters. And they are easy to digest. Don’t watch them all at once. Watch one, and then take action!

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“It’s not just about knowledge.

If it was, you would have already accomplished your goals just by watching hours of YouTube and Instagram.”

–Scott Szenasi

Personal Development & Leadership Coach


My newsletter will give you tips and help you take action toward achieving your goals. Stop waiting for the right time. The right time is now.



Coming Soon!

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More information: scottszenasi@gmail.com

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